Welcome! Join Us!
Our Community is constantly creating activities to embrace the love of God.
Faith Formation
Join our Faith Formation Team!
Becoming a Catechist!
A catechist is a person who is committed to sharing his/her faith and God's love with others(kids, teens, and adults). Its's a person who models positive and respectful attitudes as a disciple of Christ. A catechist is called to practice and communicate the teachings of the Catholic Church and its laws.
Forming the youth and adults in the Catholic Faith.
Leader(s): Crucita & Ivelisse Simono
Eucharistic Ministers
Assist with the distribution of Holy Communion during the Celebration of the Mass
Aim to provide welcoming, seating, helping to make people with special needs comfortable, and offering any assistance needed by parishioners before, during, and after Mass.
You are invited to become a Lector during our Holy Masses. We are always in need of weekly lectors both in English and Spanish.
Lectors Needed:
7:30PM (Wednesdays)
4:30PM (Saturdays)
7:45AM (Sundays)
10:00AM (Sundays)
12:00PM (Sundays)
MDS-Matrimonio Dialogo y Seguimiento
Meetings: Mondays at 7:00pm
Provides fellowship by leading couples closer to Christ.
Motto is “Change your attitude, not your partner”.
El Dieálogo Matrimonial ayuda a profundizar y enriquecer las experiencias que la pareja comparten juntos en la vida, ya lleven poco o muchos años de casados y está abierto a todas las parejas sin distinción de religión o creencia aunque estamos basados en la Iglesia Católica.
Divine Mercy Group
Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day at 3:00PM at our Parish on the First Friday of the month.
The message of The Divine Mercy Group is simple. It is that God lives us - all of us. And, He wants us to recognize that His mercy is greater than our sins, so that we will call upon Him with trust, receive His mercy, and let it flow through us to others. Thus, all will come to share His joy.
To study and be knowledgeable of our Lord’s Divine Mercy as instructed by its founder, Saint Maria Faustina.
Hermandad del Señor de los Milagros
As a brotherhood, we aim to serve those in need as well as our parish in any need she may have. We have an annual procession in October to honor our patron saint, the Lord of the Miracles.
Servir a los necesitados, así como a nuestra parroquia en cualquier necesidad que pueda tener. Tenemos una procesión anual en octubre para honrar a nuestro santo patrón, el Señor de los Milagros.
Prayer Group
Meetings: Wednesdays after 7:00pm Holy Mass
Prayer groups meet to read the Scriptures and apply it to their daily lives in order to be better Catholic Christians. The meetings consist of praying the Rosary, praise and worship, invocation of the Holy Spirit, Bible readings and reflections, witnessing, and ending with the Lord's Prayer.
Juan 23
Meetings: Tuesdays/Thursdays at 7:00pm
International movement with goals to evangelize, covert, and draw people closer to the Church. Many retreats offered throughout the year
Movimiento internacional con el objetivo de evangelizar, encubrir y acercar a las personas a la Iglesia. Se ofrecen varios retiros durante todo el año.
Legion of Mary
English Meeting
Meetings: Tuesdays at 7:00pm
Spanish Meeting
Meetings: Fridays at 6:00PM
The Legion of Mary is a lay catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on voluntary basis in almost every country.
Prayer group centered around the Rosary. Defendants
of the faith through Mother Mary who intercedes through
the Father for our petitions.
Respect Life
Respect Life is a ministry that calls the Catholic Community together to protect and promote the dignity and respect of human life from conception to natural death.
It is our mission to foster in our parish community an awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death.
English Choir Meeting
Meetings: Thursdays at 7:00pm
Spanish Choir Meeting
Meetings: Sundays after 7:45am Holy Mass
Proclaiming God’s words to the congregation through hymn songs and our own voices. We serve English, Bilingual, and event masses as well as providing Powerpoint presentation of the mass program.
Resources for our Community
For Your Soul
The Lord is with you always.
Be guided by His Word.
Spread Love and Evangelize the Gospel of the Lord.
Food Pantry
Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:00am to 10:00am
Garage Sale
Every Wednesday from 8:00am to 11:00am
Please join us! We are currently having Daily Liturgy Masses at regular scheduled hours. For Weekday Masses join us online through our Facebook page.
Parish Office Hours
Mondays through Fridays: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:30pm (English)
Sunday 7:45pm (Spanish)
Sunday 10:00am (English)
12:00pm (Spanish)
Daily Masses
8:30am: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday
7:00pm: Wednesday
If you are in need of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please call the office to make arrangements