Holy Eucharist is celebrated at Mass as we receive Jesus in the consecrated bread and the Precious Blood. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are specially trained to assist in distributing Communion during Mass and to bring Eucharist to the sick and homebound.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Eucharist?
Eucharist, the Bread of Life, is that which sustains us on our journey of faith. The Eucharist was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper; Eucharist (Communion) takes place in Church at Mass.
Who can receive Communion?
Any Baptized Catholic who understands, is prepared (catechesis) and not in the state of Mortal Sin can receive Communion at Mass or as visited by Ministers to the Sick.
I am an adult and I am interested in receiving Communion. What do I do?
Contact the Faith Formation Office at 813-252-5032 or to see what your options are to become prepared to receive Communion.
What is Diocesan policy for 1st Eucharist preparation for children?
Parishes shall have a catechesis for each of the sacraments which prepare people to fully and actively participate in the sacramental life of the Church and to celebrate the reality of God’s abiding presence at special moments throughout their lives. Catechesis for every sacrament must be directed to the entire faith community while also focusing on those preparing to celebrate the sacrament. The Bishop, who holds the primary position of authority, has the responsibility over programs of catechesis. He issues specific guidelines regarding the sacraments, which must be followed through the Office of Liturgy and Worship.
What is required for receiving First Eucharist?
Catechesis for Eucharist should stress its intimate relationship to Baptism and Confirmation and that in Eucharist; Catholic Christians are fully joined to the Body of Christ. Catechesis should stress that the Eucharist, this Holy Sacrifice, is both a memorial of the Lord’s passion, death and Resurrection and a celebration of it here and now. Eucharist should transform us in the ongoing process of conversion towards greater love of God and neighbor. Catechesis should consider the historical development of this sacraments, the meaning of the bread and wine and its reality as the Lord’s Body and Blood. Catechesis should instruct people regarding the obligations of this sacrament. Eucharist catechesis should give instruction about meaning, ritual, symbols and parts of the Mass. As for children, catechesis seeks to strengthen their awareness of the Father’s love, and the idea of Real Presence. Parents, Pastors and catechists are responsible for determining when children are ready to receive First Communion. Parents should be involved in preparing their child for First Communion. Catechesis for First Communion is separate from catechesis for Reconciliation.
For more information contact the Faith Formation Office at (813) 525-5032
Resources for our Community

For Your Soul
The Lord is with you always.
Be guided by His Word.

Spread Love and Evangelize the Gospel of the Lord.

Food Pantry
Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:00am to 10:00am

Garage Sale
Every Wednesday from 8:00am to 11:00am
Please join us! We are currently having Daily Liturgy Masses at regular scheduled hours. For Weekday Masses join us online through our Facebook page.
Parish Office Hours
Mondays through Fridays: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:30pm (English)
Sunday 7:45pm (Spanish)
Sunday 10:00am (English)
12:00pm (Spanish)
Daily Masses
8:30am: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday
7:00pm: Wednesday
If you are in need of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please call the office to make arrangements