Parking Lot Donors

Blessed Center

Dear Donors of Blessed Center,

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your contribution to the Parking Lot of the Blessed Center. Your donations and work ethic are very important to us. It helps continuity of our commitment to serving the community. Giving our community a safe environment to prosper and grow. The Blessed Center officially opened January of 2021, however, the parking lot did not exist, only gravel. Because of all the donations, we were able to officially complete the Blessed Center Parking Lot by July 1, 2021. Our dear Parishioners gifted us with donations and with their hard work and labor to perfect the parking lot of our Blessed Center. We appreciate every single one of you. Your love towards this Parish is astonishing. This would have not been successful without your act of generosity in support of our Parish.

We always believe that through a movement of the gospel, it brings the formation of a peaceful and healthy community, with love and peace, and with God in our hearts.

We are very blessed to have you and your family at our Parish. We are forever and always your Parish Family. Thank you again for your generous support.

Blessed Center - Message from Fr. Domek

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from Blessed Sacrament Church,

We have been serving a community of multi-cultural residents in the Palm River/Clair Mel area in Tampa Florida for the past 59 years.  Our various religious services and outreach program have immensely impacted the lives of the people we serve. While we are proud of our accomplishments, we have been unable to operate and meet the demands of our community growth due to the lack of funds and building facilities. 

In order to meet these needs, we deemed it necessary to expand to new facilities with a new parish center to serve our community and youth with a faith-centered environment. Once completed, the center will provide classrooms for Religious education, a large dining area, conferences, retreats and social events with the support of a full-service kitchen and administrative offices.  It will also provide a non-denominational center that would accommodate the diverse social-cultural interests of the community and assist in providing various humanitarian services to the Greater Palm River neighborhood.

Along with this vision, we are faced with a construction budget of $1,177,662.00.  We have so far generated pledges for $ 457,545.00 from our parishioners and fund-raising events.  Most of our community members come from low income families living under the bread line and it will be very difficult to achieve our goal.  Your donation today can help make a big difference in their lives. 

This goal does not include the cost for equipping the center with furniture such as tables/chairs for the dining area, kitchen appliances nor office furniture.

We are appealing to your generous hearts for a donation to make this vision a reality.  Your financial donation no matter how small or large will help us achieve the funding needed to complete this construction project.  We hope you will consider becoming a donor to our fund-raising efforts as whatever you sacrifice in God’s name will be returned to you in ten-fold.  Also, please note that we are a registered 501©(3)nonprofit, and any contribution you make will be tax-deductible.

On behalf of the Church officers, volunteers, and parishioners of Blessed Sacrament Church, I would like to thank you in advance for your kind generosity.  If you are interested in receiving an information packet feel free to contact our parish.

Respectfully yours in Christ,


Rev. Kazimierz Domek, Pastor/Administrator

Keep Showing Support For Our Dear Blessed Center

Our Parish spent years attempting to finish the construction of the Blessed Center. There were challenges on the road and the construction took longer than expected. Because of these challenges, the Parish accumulated a large amount of debt. The Parish appreciates any gifts from you which will go toward the Blessed Center.

Resources for our Community

For Your Soul

The Lord is with you always.
Be guided by His Word.


Spread Love and Evangelize the Gospel of the Lord.

Food Pantry

Mondays & Wednesdays from 9:00am to 10:00am

Garage Sale

Every Wednesday from 8:00am to 11:00am


Please join us! We are currently having Daily Liturgy Masses at regular scheduled hours. For Weekday Masses join us online through our Facebook page.

Parish Office Hours
Mondays through Fridays: 9:00am to 5:00pm 

Weekend Masses
Saturday 4:30pm (English)
Sunday 7:45pm
Sunday 10:00am (English)

Daily Masses
 8:30am: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday
7:00pm: Wednesday
If you are in need of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please call the office to make arrangements

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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church